Monday, November 17, 2008

To California Republicans...

I told you so.

Back in 2003, Republicans were falling all over themselves to support and vote for Arnold Schwarzenegger in the recall election.

True, he was saying all the right (or maybe Populist) things. He would blow up boxes, he would cut up the Legislatures credit cards. He was a fan of Milton Friedman. He was a moderate on social issues (Gay Marriage should be between a man and a woman).

Fast forward five years. He was quoted in the LA Times last week saying

"I think the important thing for the Republican Party is now to also look at other issues that are very important for this country and not to get stuck in ideology," the governor said in an interview broadcast on CNN. "Let's go and talk about healthcare reform. Let's go and . . . fund programs if they're necessary programs and not get stuck just on the fiscal responsibility."

Five years later the state budget is $28 billion in the red. Spending under Schwarzenegger went up faster that it did when Grey Davis was governor. And our "Republican" governor, walks and talks like a Democrat.

I had a gut feeling that something like this would happen. Part of it was because he a was a big supporter of Proposition 49 in 2002 (which set aside money for after-school programs). This showed me he had a tendency to see government as a means to solving problems.

My choice was Tom McClintock, (who spoke briefly at the Rally for the Republic) a strong fiscal conservative. He is a frequent guest on local talk radio, and at the time, I was impressed by his ability to explain the complexities of the State budget, and the mess it was and is, in layman's terms.

I hope that in the future, Republicans will shy away from the personality cult that surrounds many polititians, and look more closely at the views they hold.

You can read the whole story here.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Scrooge McDuck on Monetary Policy

I came across this today over at It amazed me that a cartoon show had more wisdom than the bozos in the Congress and the White House.

Keep Grinning.

Monday, November 10, 2008

More BS from a member of Congress

Today on "Your World with Neil Cavuto", Representative Frank Pallone (D-NJ) was on the program, discussing a new round of economic stimuli. But this stimulus would not be in the form of for of a tax rebate. Instead the money would go to infrastructure (transportation, school construction and health care).

So, I guess the new word for more spending, is “stimulus”? We have a new word in the Obamaspeak dictionary. How stupid do they think we are? Of course there are some people who will be fooled. But no nation has ever taxed and spent itself into prosperity. Our nation was prosperous in the 19th Century because there was no income tax (except for a brief period during the civil war I believe) and much less regulation

And of course I don’t see anything in Article I Section 8 of the Constitution that authorizes Congress to “stimulate” the economy this way.

Usually Cavuto is pretty good about nailing politicians with goofy economic ideas, but he was pretty quiet today.

You can see the whole interview here.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

The first African-American President.

Even if you don't agree with Barrack Obama's policies, you have to agree that last November 4th was a historic day. Men and Women from all different backgrounds, ethnicities, income levels, age groups and religions, joined to elect the first President of African-American origin.

But there is one question that lingers. Would people be dancing and celebrating in front of the Ebenezer Street Baptist Church where Dr. King preached, would Jesse Jackson be moved to tears, if a conservative such as Micheal Steele, or J.C. Watts had been elected the first African American president.

Friday, November 7, 2008

The RNC wants our feedback

RNC Chairman, Mike Duncan said that republicans "are going to take a deep breath and listen to the American people." The party is creating a new online forum that will allow people to explain "how we let them down" and "what we can do to restore confidence in our party," he said.

This is a good opportunity liberty-minded conservatives to speak our minds. I just wish I were more optimistic that they will be listened to. I'm afraid the RNC is just looking for a way to elect more people with "R"s after their names, who turn out to be like Schwarzenegger and McCain.

In 2002, Karl Rove said he wanted the party to become more inclusive. But how often has worship of the Inclusiveness God led to an abandonment of principles. If Republicans go back to what worked in 1994, less Government, Consititutional standards and personal liberty. We need more articulate people like Dr Paul, and former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson spreading message. Especially we need the grassroots to get involved in the local party organizations.

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Keep Grinning