Friday, January 26, 2007


Well, it happened the other night. I was doing some after hours work on the server at one of our branches. After confirming with the on-duty manager that the branch was closed and all work done, I started my work. It wasn't complicated, just swapping out a defunct hard drive and make sure after the BIOS and firmware on the server was up to date. It took about 20 minutes because no updates were needed.

I went out to the manager to report I was done and to get let out. Well, he wasn't at his desk. I checked the lunch room and the men's room upstairs, but he was nowhere to be found. Of course I didn't have any keys, and I didn't know when the custodial crew was going to arrive. I called our security and explained my predicament, and they were going to dispatch someone to let me out. Just then the courier comes in to pick up the daily work, so I had security cancel the assistance, and walked out with the courier.

Next time, I'm reminding the closing manager that I don't have keys, and to wait for me to say I'm done.

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